Your Liability and Responsibility

Dam owners are responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of their dams and inspection is a key element of any dam safety program. Many older dams do not meet current Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) safety standards. Although dam owners should routinely inspect their dams, the WDNR requires regular inspections of dams by professional engineers who specialize in dam safety to minimize the danger to life, health, and property. Dams must be inspected once every two to ten years, depending on the hazard rating of the dam.

Kunkel Engineering Group has licensed engineers who not only have proven experience in dam inspection, but also have extensive knowledge of the WDNR’s Dam Safety Inspection Program. For more information regarding dam inspections as well as the WDNR’s Dam Safety Program, please Contact Us.

We provide services such as Chapter 31 and NR 333 compliance; dam inspection; dam failure analysis; permitting; Inspection, Operation, and Maintenance Plans (IOMPs); Emergency Action Plans (EAPs); dam rehabilitation design; and grant application assistance.

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Kunkel Engineering Group

Building Relationships that Build Communities™