Small communities can face big challenges. Sometimes growth demands costly infrastructure improvements. Where will the money come from? Knowing how to access funding dollars for your community requires a keen understanding of how to navigate through the bureaucratic red tape and application requirements. We are here to help.
Kunkel Engineering Group (KEG) excels at identifying the right funding sources for your project and assists your community in acquisition of those dollars. In fact, over the past 12 years, KEG has successfully assisted our clients in procuring over $50 million in grant and loan dollars from state and federal funding programs.
Tammy Hampton, MS, CGW, is a 12-year veteran of our firm and is one of only two nationally Certified Grant Writers® in the State of Wisconsin as credentialed by the American Grant Writer’s Association.

An integral part of any development project, infrastructure upgrade or redevelopment effort includes locating the financial resources to undertake project initiatives. KEG believes that locating funding solutions is as important a task as developing a design or undertaking construction related services. We diligently research and pursue both state and federal funding programs that may be available to assist your community in future endeavors. We are experts in identifying and sourcing from some of the programs listed below:
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) as administered by Wisconsin Department of Administration
- Economic Development
- Planning Program
- Public Facilities
- Public Facilities – Economic Development
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Grant and Loan Programs
- Clean Water Fund Program
- Municipal Dam Grant
- Municipal Flood Control Grant
- Ready for Reuse
- Safe Drinking Water Loan Program
- Stewardship Grant
- Wisconsin Assessment Monies
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Grant and Loan Programs
- Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP)
- Municipal Street Improvement Discretionary and Supplemental Program (MSID/MSIS)
- Town Road Improvement Discretionary and Supplemental Program (TRID/TRIS)
- County Highway Improvement Discretionary and Supplemental Program (CHID/CHIS)
- Local Bridge
- Surface Transportation Program (STP)
- STP-Local
- STP-Rural
- STP-Urban
- Transportation Economic Assistance (TEA)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Rural Development Grant and Loan Programs
- Community Facilities Loan and Grant Funding
- Water and Environmental Grant and Loan Funding
The thrust of our work efforts will entail reviewing proposed projects and evaluating grant funding sources that may be available to help subsidize project costs. Targeting and procuring grant funds are tasks well known by KEG.
Municipalities across Wisconsin face similar financial challenges. These challenges have been exacerbated by the decline in programs and funding allocations made available through respective federal and state agencies as well as burdensome regulatory requirements. Sources still do exist, so we work hard every day to assist our client communities in identifying funding dollars to offset costs. If funding is available, we will find it.
We have successfully navigated the bureaucratic maze of regulations in acquiring grant funds for many clients, and we pledge our combined efforts to do the same for your community.
Kunkel Engineering Group
Building Relationships that Build Communities™